Top 25 Albums of 2018

I aimed for a range of different subgenres and types within rap and R&B as well as pop and indie rock in my top 25 albums of 2018. Including Swimming, Voicenotes, Daytona, Isolation, and more.

I’m listening to one new album every day for a year: November

Great rap album releases this month, along with more experimental genres.

Ranking the XXL Magazine 2018 Freshman Class Freestyles and Cyphers

Every year, the hip hop magazine XXL releases a list of (usually) 10 rappers on the rise– artists they feel … More

ye by Kanye West – Album Review

Vulture describes it best: “ye is a bit of a success and a bit of a failure. Like a collapsed, undercooked cake, it’s temptingly sweet but also disconcertingly mishandled.”